Sadly, it's time to put the Eve's Folly Youtube channel to bed for a while. I haven't been able to garner enough viewership to justify the time involved. And I have to say, it's just the saddest thing to be pouring out your heart and soul and have no one watching. Not that I could stay hidden forever. We acting types are, as Tom Stoppard's Player so famously said, the opposite of people. We're compelled to show the things other people want to hide. So I'll still pop back on from time to time, and maybe resurrect it in the future. And I'll certainly continue to make more posts here on Madness in the Garden: all about plants and the people who love them. For now - so long, farewell, etc etc. Love, "Eve."
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"Eve A. Floriste"If you're on this website, chances are you already know "All About Eve." Who is really author E.J. Bouinatchova: a writer of the strange, dark, funny, and eclectic, a former florist, and a passionate plant-o-phile. Archives
June 2017